1. Should you go for masters (further studies) or start working after your Bachelors?

The answer of this question depends on a lot of factors as well as personal preferences. I would like to present my opinion on the same. Generally in India, a lot of students in electronics switch to other domains and only few of them are able to secure a job in core semiconductor industry. So, if you have secured a good internship/job in any VLSI organization, I would suggest to take it and get some hands-on experience in industry. This will make you better equipped to be able to take a better decision on what kind of further studies you would like to do. Semiconductor industry in itself has many different kinds of roles. Entering the industry will give you a better idea of which area to choose for yourself.

However, if you think you need better skills before entering the industry and haven’t secured a role you would want to work in, you can go for further studies immediately after bachelors.

2. How to get into TUM-NTU Masters’ program?

The admission policies and procedures keep changing, and hence I would recommend checking NTU website for the admission procedure. As far as I remember my application, you need following documents:

  • Statement of Purpose : This is a document which summarizes your achievements and why you intend to join this particular program. This is different from resume as you have to explain your motivation as well as how the course will help in your long term goals.
  • Letter of Recommendation: There are at least 2 LORs needed from your previous managers or professors.
  • Resume
  • You do not need a TOEFL/IELTS score if you have completed your bachelors degree in an English medium university. However, you need a document from your university stating that the medium of study was English.
  • GATE/GRE score: When I applied for MSc in TUM-NTU integrated course, I did not need any of those scores as a qualifying criteria. But since I had taken GATE exam that year, I mentioned my score in my Resume. I am not sure if the scores are required now. Please check NTU website for updated details on this.

Note: I am not aware of applying for Masters in any other university other than my own, be it in US, UK or anywhere else in the world. I have experience of applying to NTU-TUM IC Design course in Singapore only.

3. What are the best resources for studying DFT?

Once you enter the industry, you can have access to the documentation by various EDA tool vendors. They are quite helpful in studying the actual implementation of DFT into the design. If you want to study the basics of DFT, you can go through “VLSI Test principles and Architectures: Design for testability” by Cheng-Wen Wu.

4. What are the chances of securing a job after NTU-TUM MSc in IC Design?

This completely depends on the market situation in your graduation year. However, in the past years, most of the students were able to secure a job as the semiconductor industry in Singapore is decent. The number of opportunities are lesser than in India or US, but it has managed to accommodate most of the students studying in Singapore local universities (NTU/NUS).

5. Is there any chance of getting a job in Singapore as a fresher (graduating from non-Singapore based university)?

There is no restriction on applying to the jobs in Singapore for a fresher from anywhere in the world. If the organization is willing to sponsor your work visa, you can definitely secure a job. Though, success rate is higher when you have some industry experience.

6. Can you share any resources related to Verilog, System Verilog ,  Timing etc?

Most of my learning has come from my industry experience, where things are learnt on-the-go. If there is any need to study certain topic, I just google it and try to get the best out of scattered information online. I try to collate that info in my blog as well. I get many requests to share my resources to study but honestly, I do not have any specific study material to share. I try to share as much info as I can through my blogs itself.

7. Can I get an internship in Singapore?

Generally industry internships are easier for students who already have a student visa and are studying in universities in Singapore. If any internship opening mentions that they are willing to apply for your visa, you can definitely try for it, but it is rare.

If you have any other question, suggestion or feedback which you would like to be addressed, feel free to contact me. I will keep updating the page if I see any relevant question which might help others as well.

Note: The answers I have written come from my personal learnings and experience, which may differ from the general opinion out there.

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