Category: Clocks and Resets

  • Lockup Latch

    There are a number of clock domains in modern day’s complex SoCs. When the flip-flops in such designs are stitched into scan chains,  there is a possibility that there are two clock domains in one scan chain. This means that at one point in the scan-chain, the launch flop and capture flop will belong to…

  • What is a RESET?

    You will come across RESETs even in simplest designs, making it one of the most important topic to discuss. Lets dive in….. A Reset is a signal which forces the design into a known state. This unique and important capability can be used to: Types of Reset: Synchronous Reset affects the flip-flop only at an…

  • Clock Gating

    Clock Gating

    Let us discuss clock gating in simplest terms. Definition: Technique to switch off the clock when not in use. It reduces the switching activity and hence, saves dynamic power, without affecting the design functionality. Simplest Clock Gating Naming: ‘en’: Enable signal. ‘clk’: The non-gated original cloc ‘g_clk’: Gated clock (off when not in use) Working:…

  • Reset Synchronizer

    Reset Synchronizer

    Resets are one of the most critical signals in a design. ‘What is a reset?’ discusses all the basics about them. An issue with asynchronous reset was mentioned in this article, which is, de-assertion of asynchronous reset. If this de-assertion occurs close to an active clock edge, it violates the timing and causes metastability. There…

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